01493 662069
01502 537220
Our services do what they say on the tin. We get the muck away –fast. It doesn’t matter the volume of waste, at E.E Green we draw upon a variety of resources to get the job done. When it’s a substantial amount to be cleared, as it was in the case of Bateman Groundworks, we recommend our Roll on Roll Off (Ro-Ro) bins. With sizes ranging up to 40 yards in length, our ro-ro bins minimise the levels of disruption expected for a large scale removal.
Not only can we assist in clearing materials away promptly and professionally, we can also bring vital materials onto your site. For Bateman Groundworks, our transportation of materials assisted them greatly in constructing drainage and footings on pre-build housing developments.
If you need something cleared away fast, or materials brought to you quickly, E.E. Green are the best company for the job. We utilise the latest technology, and have nearly 100 years of experience.
Call us today on 014936 662069.